Anthony costa

Award Winning - Best Selling Author


What a great read! Unexpected, thrilling, it exceeds the genre. Cannot wait to see the picture, definitely recommended!

Joy Verified Purchase

Enjoyed from beginning to end.


Very well written, could not stop reading. Extremely creative with a feel of realism. Can't wait for it to come to the big screen.

CJ Verified Purchase

Poignant and Insightful1.


A must read! Excellent script that reads smooth. This crime is the elephant in the room and Bravo for Costa to write such an eloquent and purposeful script! BRAVO!


A compelling story with compelling characters. Enjoy a noir style murder mystery from this book. You'll be intrigued and capsulated by the plot's twist and turns and the character's development.

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Taking Down New York’s Rich and Powerful

First, there’s a daring, daylight robbery of a top Wall Street Investment Firm.

Next, several prominent New York City judges start showing up dead,in the middle of the night, still curiously dressed in judicial robes. Their bodies, despite heavy area security, have mysteriously and meticulously been placed at the city’s ten most famous locations, including: the Statue Of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building, even Yankee Stadium.

Then, an intense 48 hours later, Lt. Michael Maggio, a 19 year veteran detective of the NYPD, literally chases after and confronts his main suspect, a man known only as, “Mr. Silver”.

To the Lieutenant’s surprise, Silver hypothetically admits that, ”yes”, he’s responsible for both the Wall Street robbery, and the dead judges. He then reveals a startling, multi-faceted connection between the two cases, and more importantly, why the crimes were committed.

In fact, Silver’s reasons are so compelling, and the information he provides so illuminating, that Lt. Maggio, coming from the “purest” sense of justice, decides to let Silver go free.

Now, however, the steely detective must unravel a far greater mystery in order to hopefully stop a truly evil, sinister plot. One where 1000’s of innocent New Yorkers could become additional victims to the overwhelming influence, and corrupt reach, of New York’s “Rich and Powerful”.

Taking down New York’s Rich and Powerful

First, there’s a daring, daylight robbery of a top Wall Street Investment Firm.Next, several prominent New York City judges start showing up dead in the middle of the night, still curiously dressed in judicial robes. Their bodies, despite heavy area security, have mysteriously and meticulously been placed at the city’s ten most famous locations, including: the Statue Of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building, even Yankee Stadium. Then, an intense 48 hours later, Lt. Michael Maggio, a 19 year veteran detective of the NYPD, literally chases after and confronts his main suspect, a man known only as, “Mr. Silver”.To the Lieutenant’s surprise, Silver hypothetically admits that, ”yes”, he’s responsible for both the Wall Street robbery, and the dead judges. He then reveals a startling, multi-faceted connection between the two cases, and more importantly, why the crimes were committed. In fact, Silver’s reasons are so compelling, and the information he provides so illuminating, that Lt. Maggio, coming from the “purest” sense of justice, decides to let Silver go free.Now, however, the seasoned detective must unravel a far greater mystery in order to hopefully stop a truly evil, sinister plot. One where 1000’s of innocent New Yorkers could become additional victims to the overwhelming influence, and corrupt reach, of New York’s “Rich and Powerful”.